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Loch ness monster

Loch Ness is a large loch, which is a kind of body of water similar to lakes, located in Scotland, which has long been rumoured to contain a large aquatic monster which shares its namesake with the loch, though is typically referred to as simply “Nessie”. Nessie is most known for a likely falsified image from 1934, though many still believe its existence is plausible regardless.
Loch Ness itself is very large, featuring a surface area of 56 km2 and a depth of 230 meters. Despite only coming second in surface area or depth for lochs, it is the largest body of water in volume in all the British isles. The size of the loch, combined with the high peat content in nearby soil producing very low visibility in the water, make it the perfect conditions for concealing a monster.
Many people believe that Nessie may be akin to a dinosaur, either a descendant or some sort of convergent evolution, based on the fact that many sightings bare resemblance to the certain known aquatic dinosaurs such as the plesiosaur, and also the presence of prehistoric fossils near the area, however most conclude these to not be coincidental and not evidence of Nessie’s existence.